in motion
About in motion

What is in motion?

Saskatchewan in motion is a province-wide movement aimed at increasing physical activity for health, social, environmental and economic benefits.

Our vision is that the people of Saskatchewan will be the healthiest, most physically active in Canada.

How will we increase physical activity?

The intent of in motion is to ingrain understanding and behavior changes into the culture and fabric of our communities.

There are four key components to achieving our vision:

Building Partnerships
Building on the strengths of many partners, multi-sectoral partnership teams lead strategies at the provincial, regional and local level.

Raising Awareness
Saskatchewan in motion delivers a public awareness campaign to educate and build awareness of the benefits of physical activity, and encourage Saskatchewan people to take action that results in health benefits. Promotional tools are provided to communities to support them in their efforts.

Mobilizing Communities
The key to the success of Saskatchewan in motion is the full participation of communities, schools and workplaces throughout the province. In motion is designed to blend provincial, regional and local resources together with those of community leadership, volunteers, private and public service providers, families, schools, and all citizens to focus on increasing physical activity in the province.

Monitoring and Celebrating Success
Research and evaluation will provide additional information about the impact of in motion on the level of physical activity.