Welcome to Lloydminster in motion! 
Be ACTIVE in our community!
Saskatchewan in motion encourages all Saskatchewan residents to join the physical activity movement! Join the thousands of people of all ages in every corner of our province who have found exciting ways to make physical activity an important part of their day. Getting more physically active can change your life. You'll feel more energetic, less stressed, sleep better and feel more relaxed, have stronger muscles and bones, better health, and more independence in later life.
Get started by incorporating physical activity into your daily life by trying some of these "easy ways to get active". Strive towards acheiving Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living's recommendations of accumulating 30-60 minutes of moderate physical activity most days, preferably daily.
Are you looking to motivate your class, workplace, or community to become more active? The in motion committee of Lloydminster is offering free pedometer kits to help promote physical activity in your workplace, school or community! Pedometer kits are available on loan at the Common Wealth Centre and can be obtained by contacting Joel, Kim or Carolyn at inmotion@pnrha.ca or by phoning 306-820-6217. Each kit includes 20 step-counting pedometers.
Pedometer Lending Program
Stepping it Up...to 10 000!

Guidelines for Adults:     < 5 000 steps = sedentary
                                          5 000 - 7 499 = low active
                                          7 500 - 9 999 = somewhat active
                                                  ≥ 10 000 = active
                                                  > 12 500 = highly active

Adapted from:
Catrine Tudor-Locke, Arizona State University. Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute

                                                                                                                    >>>JOIN THE MOVEMENT